Pleasant Grove, Utah - Highly sought after clothing lines, Undertease and ModBod Clothing Company have joined forces creating a first of its kind store named, Blend Fashions. Now a complete line of modest, but modern clothing and accessories can be mixed and matched under one roof. Undertease founder, Suzanne Broadbent “SuzyQ”, first started her line after years of altering her own wardrobe when she was unable to find quality or stylish alternatives in the market place. “Your clothing shouldn’t detract from who you are…but at the same time, we all want to be able to wear trendy clothes.” ModBod Co-Founder, Shellie Slade shared the same frustrations, but more about her young girls. “It’s so difficult to find dresses and clothes for my daughters that are not revealing.” In 2004, her MiniMod children’s line blossomed into ModBod which caters to more of the modern woman’s fashion sense.
After seeing the demand for both Undertease and ModBod amongst the fashion elite, Blend Fashions founder, Amanda Behrbom organized a meeting of the fashion masterminds and created a merger of the two clothing lines. Both companies share the highest of standards when it comes to material, construction and cut. For the consumer, we want to express our excitement as we are now able to provide more choice and convenience for every woman who wants to be on the cutting edge of fashion without compromising her personal image.
Our doors are now open at 285 East State Road in Pleasant Grove, Utah.
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